Monday, February 16, 2009

Plastic bags in the news...

I was browsing news articles about plastic bags and came across this one. The date says 11/02/2009 LOL, considering that hasn't happened yet I am thinking they ment to write 1/2/2009. I am always interested in articles like this. Enjoy this small article. I found it at

Bravo to cutting out plastic bags
11/02/2009 10:31:00 AM
CONGRATULATIONS and thanks to Margaret River Riverfresh IGA for committing to reduce the use of plastic bags in our town.
IGA has shown that business and communities can make plastic bags history while our State and Federal Governments sit back and watch from the sidelines.

Responding to a survey that showed its customers would support a levy to reduce plastic bags use, the Margaret River Riverfresh IGA will charge 10 cents for plastic bags and remove them from the checkouts.

The money collected will go to local charities.

The new policy starts on February 9, and for the first seven days IGA will give away 100 reusable green bags.

In addition, manager Debbie O’Connor reports that IGA will encourage the use of its green bags (which sell for an affordable one dollar each) by donating five cents for each one sold.

IGA has taken a significant and courageous step.

Now it’s up to us to follow.

Devise a strategy for remembering your reusable bags.

If you shop by car, make the car the storage place for your bags.

Empty them and put them back in the car.

Or hang them on the door knobs so they’re handy when you leave your home.

If you need motivation, remember that once a plastic bag escapes from the supermarket, it can end up as a serial killer in the ocean.

A fish or marine mammal that ingests a plastic bag, mistaking it for a jellyfish, usually dies.

The dead animal decomposes, but the non-biodegradable bag survives and floats off, ready to kill again.

Thanks again to IGA for giving us all this chance to help protect our environment.

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So many little time!

So many little time!