Sunday, September 28, 2008

Warner Fall Foliage Festival

October is around the corner and I have been very busy trying to make enough bags for the upcoming Warner Fall Foliage Festival, October 11 & 12th. I am lucky enough to have the wonderful support of April at Akasha Massage and Bodywork. They will be at the fair giving chair massages. They have offered the use of their table for some of my bags. Well, I am excited to say I have finished 34 bags. I still have 2 more to do this week but I thought I would show you the bags I have going. My large bags are about 16x16in. The large/med bags are about 13x13. Medium bags are 12x12 in. Small bags are 10x10in. and tiny bags are 8.5x5.5in.

My next deadline is to make enough bags for the Bow Craft Fair in to get crocheting!!!

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So many little time!

So many little time!