Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Grocery list - ON A PIECE OF WOOD!

So this morning was my weekly trip to the grocery store. I have an extra boy in tow alone with my usual three helpers because my nephew is spending a couple days with us. As usual I bring along my reusable bags for my groceries. I went about getting the food I need for the week. I have noticed more and more people are using canvas bags when they check out which always brings a smile to my face BUT today there was something I will not soon forget. As I was choosing some apples my 10 yr. old son Jadon whispers to me, "Mom, that lady has her grocery list on a piece of wood!" I looked up to see what he could be talking about and saw that indeed a woman nearby had a small rectangular piece of wood in her hands. Of course not being the bashful one I HAD to ask. She smiled and thanked us for noticing. She said she usually has a bigger piece of wood and keeps her list for the week writing the groceries she needs to buy, some notes to herself and so on. Then at the end of the week she puts it into the wood stove. How is that for recycling, reducing and reusing?? I simply LOVE this idea and had to share this with you. How can you reuse paper for your grocery list?

1 comment:

Bonny (Bonny Jewelry) said...

that's a really cool idea (and no folds that you can't read - LOL!) now if I only had a woodstove or fireplace .... hmmmm.....

So many little time!

So many little time!